Friday, March 27, 2009


Sometimes conversations take interesting and memorable turns. I was with the family of my maternal aunt on this Holi. This is a snap of my conversation with my cousin brother Pratyush, who is about half of my age:

I: Life is a thirst, life is love, life is a song, life is a game, life is a gamble, life is a struggle, life is a race, life is a battle...
Pratyush: It seems life is everything except life itself.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

when death is certain

See, giving somebody my heart, I have destroyed my nights.
Friends, if she says no, I will commit suicide;
and, friends, even if she says yes, I will die with happiness.

--Anand Bakhshee, Karz

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

when you decide to leave

Only few friendships last for lifetime. So whenever you decide to leave, just drop a note to let me know so that I can wish you luck and say goodbye.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

growing up

People ask me, "When will you grow up?" and I ask them, "Who wants to grow up?"
--Bear Grylls